
HUI酒吧(HUI Whisky & Cocktail Bar)位于河北省秦皇岛市阿那亚六期17号楼底商,紧邻园区道路,靠近沙丘美术馆。初次跟甲方接触的时候,她跟我说:“我爱喝酒,我希望这里是一个属于大家的空间,希望这里是一个有着不同感受的威士忌酒吧。”后来又了解到,甲方希望在这里是轻松和自由的场所,也是一个充满感知与矛盾的场所,更是一个酒文化传递的场所。

【空间场地】 – 每一个场地更新都是重新开始的生命




【从感受到空间,从空间到材质】 – 自下而上的思考与自上而下的思考

【功能与序列】 – 公共与私密、室内与室外的对比与统一




HUI Whisky & Cocktail Bar is located at the bottom of Building 17, Anaya Phase 6, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, and is close to the Park Road and the Dune Art Museum. When I first made contact with Party A, she said to me: “I love to drink, and I hope here is a space for everyone, and I hope it is a whisky bar with different feelings.” Later, I learned that Party A hopes here to be a relaxed and free place, but also a place full of perception and contradictions. Moreover, here is a place for the exchange of wine culture.

When we first came to the site, we found that the arched doors and windows are different from the surrounding buildings. They are independent and unique. In the blank condition, there is no obvious boundary between indoor and outdoor, and the space sense is very smooth. After entering the interior, the space is obviously divided into two parts of the same size, and the overall space have obvious axis and symmetry, so we hope to start with its original characteristics and retain these original feelings. We continue the state of outdoor space to the indoor space, make its indoor have the same atmosphere as the outdoor, so that we can fade out the sense of difference of indoor and outdoor.

On the building facade, we maintained the original arch elements, and applied the arch to the interior. The facade has a characteristic of balance and particularity, the entrance arch marks the orientation and importance, and it also lies on the symmetry axis of space. One of the arched window is the interactive area of the bar and outdoor guests, while the other one is relatively quiet, framed in the private room. From the perception of overall proportion, we put the height of the three arches above the original opening. The arch of the entrance is of fine and high proportion, which is different from the area of the window. And the arch of the window is made of two layers of Changhong glass within the inside and outside, so that its expression during the day and night is different.

We have discussed many times about the whiskey wine understanding, through communicating with Party A to understand the inner thoughts and consensus, and what a place and feeling we all want each other in the future, we sum up four key words: precipitation, tranquility, aftertaste, and illusion. From these points, we incorporate our feelings into the space, then conditions of rough, simplicity, reflection and contrast appear. Therefore, the ground is selected of blue brick and cement self-flow flat, extending from the outdoor to the indoor. The blue brick floor which is located in the center of the space axis is faintly expressed. The bar desk applies the blue brick as the main body, while Micro cement and muscle paint are used for walls, so that the rough material presents an outdoor texture. At the same time, we also used mirror stainless steel indoor, in order to express the reflection and distortion of the space scene. Formed a completely different contrast with the blue brick and other rough materials, broaden the tension and feeling of different texture.HUI Whisky & Cocktail Bar is located at the bottom of Building 17, Anaya Phase 6, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, and is close to the Park Road and the Dune Art Museum. When I first made contact with Party A, she said to me: “I love to drink, and I hope here is a space for everyone, and I hope it is a whisky bar with different feelings.” Later, I learned that Party A hopes here to be a relaxed and free place, but also a place full of perception and contradictions. Moreover, here is a place for the exchange of wine culture.

项目名称:阿那亚HUI酒吧(HUI Whisky & Cocktail Bar)
摄影师: 王峻